Broadcast Journalist, CCN TV6
I am Alicia Boucher, a Senior Broadcast Journalist in Trinidad. I have worked for CCN TV6 for the past seven years starting in late 2010. I attended the El Socorro Regional Life Centre in 2003 and then went on to Servol Beetham, where I pursued Garment Construction. I graduated with an A in that skill in mid- 2004.
While I was a trainee under both the Adolescent Development Programme and the skill programme of choice, my main aim was to stay focused and to excel in what I had set out to pursue. Servol helped me to achieve that by instilling in me even more discipline and respect than what I possessed before, especially in areas of punctuality and team work. Getting up early, completing assignments, abiding by the rules and effectively working in groups were all key elements in that regard. I always maintained good relationships with my instructors who assisted in mentoring and prepping me for the next phase in my life.
I remember having to sweep and mop the floors, learn cooking skills and so on. I did it every day, always to the best of my ability. As I transitioned into adulthood, I kept the mentality that whatever you put your hands to, you should always give it 100%. So if I had to be a janitor, I wanted to be the best janitor; a designer, the best designer. It wasn't so much a comparison to others, but more so, always a challenge to myself to exceed the last attempt. Presently, I try to use that same model when executing my duties on the field as a reporter.
I believe Servol is hinged on the country's watchwords: discipline, tolerance and production. Being a trainee at the institution, is something I would not take back. I thank my mother Sandra Felix for the sacrifices she made in allowing me to have such an opportunity.
If I had to give an advice to trainees, I would say know where you want to go and everyday try to take more steps in that direction than you did the day before. Be very cautious of negative peer pressure. It will only hinder you. And I'll quote myself here, "if you're an eagle, you can't fly with a dove. It's just not as bold, or as brave, can't go as high, or see as well."
Best of luck to trainees, parents and Servol staff on all your endeavours.

Senior Government Relations & Affairs Executive | Digicel Trinidad & Tobago Ltd.
I am a past student of the Adolescent Development Programme and the Home Health Aide Course, which I pursued during the early 1990’s. During my time at Servol, I valued the lessons taught on the SPICES: Spirituality, Physical Education, Intellectual and Creative Work, Emotional and Social Awareness that stimulated my desire for excellence in all areas of my life. Since then, I always remember that I can aspire to be anything I wanted to be. It also helped me to acknowledge the presence of God, the need to show concern for others and to go the extra mile to help them. My time at Servol opened my eyes to the opportunities that life has to offer, and helped me to gain the confidence required to pursue my dreams and explore my true potential. I learned to value hard work, a genuine love for the elderly, disabled and children, how to manage my emotions and communicate the way I feel with mutual respect. My experience at Servol opened up my desire to learn and value the qualities that makes me uniquely me.
My experience at Servol also helped me to be prepared for many experiences and opportunities in life such as becoming the Member of Parliament for the Constituency of Arouca/Maloney after the General Elections in 2007-2010 and the Minister of State in the Ministry of Social Development for the same period. I have served as a member of Joint Select Committees, a Special Select Committee, Statutory Instruments Committee, Human Rights, Diversity, Environment and Sustainable Development Committee and the Regulation and Standing Finance Committees of Parliament. I also served as a member of the Research Committee for the People's National Movement and was responsible for overseeing the development of a Social Housing Policy for Trinidad and Tobago.
I am currently a final year PhD student in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. I also have a Masters in Criminology and Criminal Justice (with distinction) and a BSc in Social Work. I am a recipient of three awards from the University of the West Indies; a 3rd place award in Social Work at the certificate level, 1st place award in 2nd level Social Policy, and a 1st place award in Social Work Practicum. I also received the Commonwealth Association Secretariat’s 2009 Pat Cumming Award for my contribution to learning and the Golden Rule International Award.
My love for God and mankind helps me to maintain a unique balance in everything I do. I believe that with God all things are possible and I can do all things through him… my life is a testimony of this. My simple but influential beginnings at Servol prepared me for a life so fulfilled.

Business Consultant
Having attended the SERVOL Life Centres, and successfully completing my skills of choice (Hospitality and Computer Literacy), I am proud to say that the product (me) is way beyond my expectations or imagination. People who once snickered and scoffed at my decision to attend SERVOL now applaud the growth and development that makes me who I am today.
The ADP exposed me to leadership qualities I never knew I possessed with its many task and activities. Though at times I saw it as ‘work’, it helped in building my character to complete tasks, to take charge and to produce quality. The Hospitality program revealed my multifaceted capabilities (Hostess, Cook, Housekeeper and Administrator). This course developed humility, hospitability and crafted my people skills. Moving into the Hi-Tech aspect of my journey polished and primed me for the world of work. I found pride in the way I dressed, talked and performed my duties. My first business was actually conceived at this centre ‘Fernella’s Guest House’. I felt pride when my business was approved by the mock panel and I received a mock cheque!
God truly used the SERVOL organisation to reveal, develop and polished me into accepting that I am more than what society may have expected me to become. Today, twenty something odd years after, I am an Entrepreneur, holding a Bachelors and a Master’s degree and I am stronger, more assured and comfortable with who I am. Today I use my gifts and talents for the development of individuals, all while utilizing techniques learnt from my experience at the SERVOL organisation.
Special thanks to all the staff that played a role in getting me from where I was to where I am today.